Saturday, February 22, 2014

Janice is "in a relationship"

Yesterday, RJ and I were talking about how we have told friends about "us" and somewhere in the conversation it domino'd into "Should we make this official?" to which I answered "wait, are we not?: and it didn't compute to me that he meant "facebook official". Which is something that I was not opposed to. I always said that it wasn't something that was important to me but at the same time I didn't mind it. I am happy to share that I am in a relationship and things are going well. I could definitely do with out "announcing" it because, well, let's face it. Once anything is updated on facebook it pretty much becomes an announce. RJ and I weren't even friends on facebook to begin with. I joked about how it would look on our timelines-

"Janice is now friends with RJ"
(5 seconds later)
"Janice is in a relationship with RJ"

Minutes later, we were "facebook official"....then here came the "likes" and "congratulation" comments. Texts and calls from his family and the same from my friends and family. As you all know, I have a very close knit of friends. We are all goofy, lewd and sarcastic. I expected all of this. I then told RJ- "I am so sorry! I forgot to warn you, my friends are going to have a field day. Your phone is about to blow up." He then said "Its ok, I like it."

Hours later after working on a paper, I looked at my phone to see tons of notifications, I screen shot it and sent it to him-

"Holy shit, baby! This is insane"
"Those people just care about us and are happy." He said.

Jesus Christ, what a charmer.

Now, I realize that in my previous posts I have mentioned that the next person I end up with will be someone who is emotionally stable. DUH.. Ok ya'll, I am blushing....but seriously. I feel like I hit the jackpot.


V. Nino said...

I'm so happy for you! <3

Janice JV said...

THank you! I wish I got notification of these comments faster! I'm sorry I am just now seeing this. :(