Monday, March 3, 2014


Last week a dear friend of mine drove in from Dallas to spend her birthday in Austin. Before RJ and I got together I was planning to meet up with her to celebrate her birthday.

That Saturday rolled around and the goonz were texting like crazy (as it always happens) to figure out where we would be spending our Saturday night. I told them that I was going to be meeting a friend for her birthday and that I would be going to Rainey St. and from there I would let them know or vice versa. I ended that conversation with "By the way, RJ will be with me.".. RJ gets out of the fireman academy and comes over to rest before going out that night. An hour later while we are in my room laughing, as we usually do, I hear massive amounts of people outside on my patio. Ok, I was being dramatic by saying massive. I heard all of my friends, plus a couple of unfamiliar voices. RJ asks me "Are those your room mates? How many are there?" and I said "No, no. Those are my room mates PLUS my other friends, I also hear unfamiliar voices." His eyes got big. I told him "don't worry, they are probably just meeting up here before they leave. BUT, they may meet up with us later." ...minutes later I get a text message from the boys asking "Are you guys ready yet?"....

HOLY CRAP. These fools. I turn to RJ and said "I am SO SORRY. I did not anticipate you meeting a majority of my friends tonight." He then reassures me that he is ok, and not to worry. We walk downstairs and I open the door to see the dudes all sitting out on the patio laughing and shootin' the shit per usual...It ended up being a really fun night, RJ was his charming/goofy/handsome self the entire night. I knew he would be ok.

The next morning rolls around and RJ decides to go into work later and we end up going to brunch and just spending time together. After brunch we head back to my place and he then says that he would go into work again later. Lei had a Lacrosse game that day and I invited him to go. I told him that he didn't have to go and "please do NOT feel obligated to go." I felt so bad, but he insisted that he wanted to come along and continue to spend the day together.

In one weekend alone, he managed to not only meet the room mates, but my family...and a shit ton of friends. The man did good. I know my friends can be overwhelming. He will fit in just fine.

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