Wednesday, July 2, 2014

F whoever

It has been a while since I've been here. I made a promise to myself that I wouldn't only come to you when things were not going my way, I never wanted this blog to become a shit cemetery for the things that have happened in my life. I wanted to be able to report everything in my life. I love coming back here to read the sweet little moments and evens the moments that aren't so sweet. I feel like they bring me back down to earth.

I have good reason for my absence this time around. Since I was last gushing about my job, I have continued to nanny like I do normally during the summer. I've been working two jobs for the past few months and on top of that I'm still in school full time (one. more. YEAR!) and all at the same time just juggling life in general.

I forgot how hard it is to juggle all of these things all while trying to maintain a relationship, and that doesn't even mean a romantic relationship- a relationship in general. I no longer have a social life like I did before, I still find some time to catch up with friends but it is definitely different. My little circle of friends is compiled of individuals whom are transitioning in life. Whether is be getting into the groove of being married, going through a divorce, sickness in their family, having children...It seems all so proper since we are all in our 30's now. It's nice to be able to still remain close as we always have been.

Since the last time we spoke, there have been a lot of changes in my life. The number one thing I have to report is that Molly is no longer with me. Unfortunately, my apartment complex deemed that she is no allowed on the premises because her breed is "aggressive". Yes, even though my Pit Bull is a certified and trained service AND therapy dog that means nothing. In the eyes of my apartment complex she is still considered dangerous and aggressive. I can' even tell you how devastating it is to have your "child" ripped for your home. I've done any and everything I can to build a resume for her, to educate people on her breed...but to no avail. Molly is being fostered by friends that live about an hour away until I am able to leave my current home. It's heart breaking, I am so sensitive when it comes to her. It sounds silly, but in so many ways I feel like she has saved me. She has taught me to not judge a book by its cover, the virtue of patience, to love unconditionally, and that I have something to live for. There was a brief point in my life when I felt like I lost everything. I don't want to be dramatic and get into it, but the only reason why I am here is because the only thought that kept crossing my mind is "who will take care of her and understand her the way that I do, who will love her?". I couldn't stand the thought of her feeling abandoned like she has been in the past by previous owners. People always spout of about how I did a great thing by saving her, but the reality of that is that she saved me.

She has been away from home for over a month now, if doesn't sound that long...but just imagine being separated from your child/children against your will and only then will you truly understand where I am coming from. Since she has been gone I have been working my butt off to get my townhome up for rent and leaving this place. That is not to say that I hate living here, because I loved living here. I refuse to continue to live here with stipulations such as these. After working diligently I am lucky enough to have found someone that has agreed to commit to leasing my townhome and I will be leaving in mid-August. I feel like this all needed to happen for a reason, just like everything else in my life... I know there is always a reason.

Which brings me to RJ and I. Well, we are moving in together and will have Molly back home with us. It's exciting...and not even scary at all. The only thing that worries me if moving to South Austin. I've lived in Austin for nearly 13 years and have lived on the North/East/West/&Central side of Austin. South Austin is totally new territory to me. I'm spoiled here in North West Austin. I love the people here, the closeness of business around me, the ease of getting downtown or up north. South Austin will be a new adventure. I'm kind of excited to live down the street from South Congress, and to be in a neighborhood in a home where Molly will have her very own backyard and home to live comfortably in. It's all new... it feels good..and I'm ready. Everything really does happen for a reason. Like it always has been.

I can't wait to see what happens next, but at the same time....the waiting part is the best part of it all.

PS- I realize that the title of this post has nothing to do with anything I've written. Originally when I decided to write a post, I decided to do so because of the ugly looks I was getting from a table of young/pretty girls sitting next to RJ and I while we are at a coffee shop getting homework done. I finished before him and was surfing the web when he went to get something to drink. Right when he did a group of girls walked in and placed their belongings on the table next to us then proceeded to get something to drink as well. While in line one of them pointed at RJ and they all looked like they were giggling. I smiled to myself and went back to web surfing. RJ comes back to the table and sets his drink down. The girls purchase their drinks and come back to the table. I have my headphones in and my periphery sees them glaring at me. Just glaring. RJ is oblivious, back with his nose in his book. I lower the volume on my headphones and hear "I think that's his girlfriend maybe" ... I go back to raising the volume of my headphones. Laughing to myself. Yeah. I am his girlfriend. Sorry girls. Then all of a sudden I was offended and wanted to blog about it. Haha! When I finally got around to signing in I realized how silly I was acting, ad I'm sure...whatever this is all in my mind.

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