Tuesday, May 20, 2014

I love my job, I love my job, I love my job, I love my job, I love my job, I love my life.

I am now two weeks into working at my new place of employment, and I love it. I love the people that I work with, I love the work we do, and I love the company as a whole.

When I found out that my previous job would not be re-signing a contract for another term I silently started to freak out. This job is my lively hood, this job is getting me through school right now. This job is getting me through LIFE right now. As the cliche saying goes "all good things must come to an end." As I have said many a time before, things really do happen for a reason. I am living proof of this in every aspect. I am so grateful and fortunate to have had the career experience and opportunities that I have had.

So, as I am closing out a study session here at Epoch Coffee with the lovely LL sitting in front of me- I, all of a sudden, had the urge to come to you. In this moment right now, I have realized, and am realizing more than ever, that no matter what happens in this life it is not with out reason. There are times when I have damned my personal life, my academic life, and even my professional life. This was all coerced by my need to over exaggerate and ugly cry about something that I felt was so big at a certain time, and now in retrospect, is so miniscule.

I almost feel like life is going so well (of  course aside from my back pain but that is a default at this moment) that I feel like it is too perfect. & when I use the term "perfect" I mean in terms of my life's standards of "perfect" which in comparison to others is not so perfect, I'm a simple gal. I was talking to LL and I started to gripe about RJ. I heard myself out loud and for a second I was annoyed with myself. Ok, so he likes to seek my approval for certain things. & then? I am griping. I'm not going to make an excuse for my griping about said griping. He's a great dude. I love that dude, actually. I don't know what is wrong with me. I am trying so hard not to revert to referencing my past relationship. I need to remember to not bring any of that negative hullabaloo into my relationship. He isn't the last person I was in a relationship with nor is he the person before that. Clean slate. I need to clear that damn slate.

I'm also rambling now.

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