Friday, September 19, 2014

Just, I love you.

It was our first first half of the day off together in months. RJ & I have crazy out of whack schedules that only allow us to see each other at the end of the night, just in time to catch up about our days and fall asleep together, Molly in tow.

He is nearing the end of Firefighter Academy as well as working a full time job that only allows him two days off during the week which are spread out. On the days that he is off from work he is stuck with his nose attached to a textbook studying and preparing for class. On top of that, he is required to spend a full 24hrs at the fire station one day out of the week. My schedule? Well, lets just say that I never make it home until at least 7:45pm every day that I work(with that being said- let me just make clear that I absolutely love what I do), and while I am not working- I am still in school full time. Most of our quality time consists of going to coffee shops to study together. Which is great, I would not trade our lives for anything. We both agreed before getting together that we had goals and priorities in life before finding each other &  we need continue to reach for them. Any time we get with each other I am grateful for, even if it isn't until the moment we are getting ready for bed at night.

Since we had a first half day off together, we decided to take care of what either of us needed to take care of. We had a quick breakfast together early in the morning and then had our separate alone time. I went to yoga, and he decided to stay home and just relax- no studying. Yes, he played video games. When I was done with yoga, I came home and had some work to do for school and he decided to study for finals. We had some lunch together and then he went back to studying and making note cards. I joined and helped him with making his note cards. Around 3p he excused himself from the table and proceeded to get his work out/firefighter gear together for class. I continued to finish up the rest of the note cards he needed done. He came downstairs and went to load his car, came inside and kissed me goodbye. I turned the t.v. on and continued to finish the last couple of cards. Minutes later I see him through the glass of our front door, knocking. The first thought that came to mind was "great, what did he forget now?" I got up and unlocked the door and said "what did you forget now?" He just smiled & said "nothing" & leaned in to kiss me, hard. "Just, I love you." then turned around with the door behind him.

I fucking love that man.

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