Saturday, April 26, 2014

My little hero.

Since being diagnosed with spinal stenosis I have been going through many changes in life. I had to learn how to do the simplest tasks around the house all over again, learn how to remain some what active with chronic pain, and learn how to control my emotions. All of this while still continuing to work and keep up with my grades in school. Along with that, I started the process of looking into getting my dog certified/registered as a service dog.

Originally when I adopted Molly I looked into trying to build a sort of "doggie resume" for her. After all, she is an American Pit Bull Terrier, with that there is a stigma that tails her. While working in a skilled nursing facility, at the time, I discovered this wonderful therapy dog program. Volunteers would often come into the facility with their dogs and visited with the residents. I noticed how happy and much brighter these animals made our patients. Molly loves people, so I wanted to get her into this program. At the time, the website stated that I had to own my dog for 3 years in order to get her started into the program. At the time I only had Molly for nearly a year. At this time she was going between my place and my ex's place. Then I heard that I should get her into being a service dog, with my diagnosis.. I felt that this would be great for her, and not only that, she helps me. With out her being there for me I don't know how I would get through my days. Not only is she there for me emotionally (because trust me, going through this chronic pain drives me crazy at times), but she helps me with my balance, and when I'm laying down, she seems to just know when I'm in absolute pain that she rests her back against mine, easing the pressure and relieving the stress on my back.

With a lot of work and research, I finally got her registered as a service dog. I couldn't be more happy. Not only do I have more to add to her "doggie resume", but discrimination against her breed will and should be non-existent, and most importantly- she will be there to help me.

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